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Honoring those who have served and sacrificed
Through the unique artistry of beaded tapestries
Just off the loom >>>
Oh, the stories I can tell with 30+ tapestries and over 750,000
Miyuki Delica beads!
It's about the stories ...
Listening to the collective voices of our past can help us move forward with purpose. That is what the Thankful Generations Project is intended to do.
By using the unconventional venue of bead tapestry, I hope to draw in members of all generations, to intrigue people enough when they see the tapestries to engage in dialogue about their own family history and perhaps what these acts of service and sacrifice mean to all of us.
Click on the links above to see more "spark pages" about each subject of the Thankful Generations tapestries:
The story pages you find by following the above links were created using Adobe Spark. You can explore this tool further at their website,
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